原文已经收入到笔记中名称是Anti-If: The missing patterns
Around 10 years ago I encountered the anti-if campaign and found it to be an absurd concept. How on earth would you make a useful program without using an if statement? Preposterous.
But then it gets you thinking. Do you remember that heavily nested code you had to understand last week? That kinda sucked right? If only there was a way to make it simpler.
The anti-if campaign site is sadly low on practical advice. This post intends to remedy that with a collection of patterns you can adopt when the need arises. But first let’s look at the problem that if statements pose.
The problems of if statements
The first problem with if statements is that they often make it easy to modify code in bad ways. Let’s start with the birth of a new if statement:
12345678910 public void theProblem(boolean someCondition) {// SharedStateif(someCondition) {// CodeBlockA} else {// CodeBlockB}}
This isn’t too bad at this point, but we’ve already given us some problems. When I read this code I have to check how CodeBlockA and CodeBlockB are modifying the same SharedState. This can be easy to read at first but can become difficult as the CodeBlocks grow and the coupling becomes more complicated.
You’ll often see the above CodeBlocks abused with further nested if statements and local returns. Making it hard to see what the business logic is through the routing logic.
The second problem with if statements is when they are duplicated. This means means a domain concept is missing. It’s all too easy to increase coupling by bringing things together than don’t need to be. Making code harder to read and change.
The third problem with if statements is that you have to simulate execution in your own head. You must beome a mini-computer. That’s taking away from your mental energy, energy that would be better spent thinking about solving the problem, rather than how the intracate code branches weave together.
I want to get to the point of telling you patterns we can do instead, but first a word of warning.
Moderation in all things, especially moderation
If statements usually make your code more complicated. But we don’t want to outright ban them. I’ve seen some pretty heinous code created with the goal of removing all traces of if statements. We want to avoid falling into that trap.
For each pattern we’ll read about I’m going to give you a tolerance value for when to use it.
A single if statement which isn’t duplicated anywhere else is probably fine. It’s when you have duplicated if statements that you want your spider sense to be tingling.
At the outside of your code base, where you talk to the dangerous outside world, you are going to want to validate incoming responses and change your beahaviour accordingly. But inside our own codebases, where we behind those trusted gatekeepers, I think we have a great opportunity to use simple, richer and more powerful alternatives.